P. 37

ricerche di mercato
                                                                                                       market research

                                                    Vendita Valore in Euro / Purchase Value in Euro

                                               AT 28/05/23  AT 26/05/24  vAr. AT 28/05/23 vAr. AT 26/05/24
             Totale Italia                     €642.201.628  €712.617.942  10,0%        11,0%
             Area 1 (I+S+LIS+DIS+SD)..         €194.113.094  €215.605.032   8,6%         11,1%
             Area 2 (I+S+LIS+DIS+SD)..         €138.324.164  €155.684.314   8,6%         12,6%
             Area 3 (I+S+LIS+DIS+SD)..         €160.051.284  €176.173.441   10,2%        10,1%
             Area 4 (I+S+LIS+DIS+SD)..         €149.714.677  €165.155.156   13,2%        10,3%
             I+S+LS                            €397.739.904  €432.620.039   7,4%         8,8%
             I+S+LS Area 1                     €134.567.277  €147.959.451   7,1%         10,0%
             I+S+LS Area 2                     €93.144.948  €103.899.503    6,7%         11,5%

             I+S+LS Area 3                     €90.653.772  €96.859.585     8,1%         6,8%
             I+S+LS Area 4                     €79.373.907  €83.901.500     7,6%         5,7%
             Hypermarkets                      €143.074.690  €156.370.471   7,2%         9,3%
             Super                             €203.095.124  €223.131.827   7,3%         9,9%
             Superettes                        €51.554.544  €53.117.742     8,1%         3,0%
             Discount                          €100.185.159  €112.308.449   14,4%        12,1%
             SSSDrug                           €144.293.654  €167.689.453   14,9%        16,2%
             SSSDrug                           €144.293.654  €167.689.453   14,9%        16,2%

            con una Sales Location a Valore più modesta (23,5%),   Value (23.5%), record positive trends by Value
            registrano trend positivi a Valore +16,2%,    +16.2%, Volume +4.4% and in Units +0.9%.
            a Volume +4,4% e in Confezioni +0,9%.         Although in the Specialist Drugstores the
            Nonostante negli Specialisti Drug il Prezzo Medio   Average Price per Unit is higher (€2.85) compared
            a Conf sia superiore (€2,85) rispetto a quanto   to what has been recorded in Supermarkets (€2.50),
            rilevato nei Super (€2,50), un’Intensità Promozionale   a higher Promotional Intensity certainly plays
            più elevata gioca sicuramente a favore di questo   in favour of this Store Format.
            Store Format. Seguono Iper (21,9%) eDiscount (15,8%),   This is followed by Hypermarkets (21.9%)
            anche loro registrano trend positivi a Valore (+9,3%   and Discounts (15.8%), which also record
            Iper, +12,1% Discount), Volume (+3,6Iper, +10,5%   positive trend by Value (+9.3% Hypermarkets,
            Discount) e Confezione (+2,1% Iper, +9,4% Discount).   +12.1% Discounts), Volume (+3.6 Hypermarkets,
            I Liberi Servizi si contraddistinguono dai precedenti   +10.5% Discounts) and Units (+2.1% Hypermarkets,
            canali per una decrescita delle vendite       +9.4% Discounts). Self-Services stand out from
            a Volume (-8,2%) e in Confezione(-7,6%)       the previous channels for a degrowth of sales
            pur aumentando il proprio fatturato(+3,0%),   by Volume (-8.2%) and in Units (-7.6%) while
            grazie all’aumento dei Prezzi Medi (+11,4%)   increasing their turnover (+3.0%), thanks to the
            e ad un calo dell’Intensità Promozionale (-3,3%).  increase of the Average Prices (+11.4%) and a
            Il segmento principale del mercato del Cura   downturn in the Promotional Intensity (-3.3%).
            Lavastoviglie è rappresentato da Stoviglie a Mano   The main segment of the market of Dishwasher
            che veicola il 60,5% delle confezion della categoria.   Care is represented by Washing up by hand
            Il segmento è flat in Confezioni (-0,5% vs AP),   which delivers 60.5% of the units of the category.
            registra invece un trend positivo a Valore    The segment is flat in Units (-0.5% vs PY), but records
            (+9,9% vs AP) grazie all’aumento del Prezzo medio   a positive trend by Value (+9.9% vs PY) thanks
            in confezione (+10,5%) e al calo dell’intensità   to the increase of the Average Price in units (+10.5%)
            promozionale (- 0,6% in Confezione) sebbene risulti   and the downturn in promotional intensity
            sempre elevata (Intensity Index Confezioni23,8%).   (- 0.6% in Units) although it is always high
            Il secondo segmento per importanza            (Intensity Index Units 23.8%). The second segment
            è quello del Lavastoviglieche veicola il 20,8%   by importance is that of Dishwashers which
            dei volumi della categoria.                   delivers 20.8% of the volumes of the category.

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