P. 15

ricerche di mercato
                                                                                                       market research

            Per quanto riguarda la situazione dal punto di vista delle   As far as the situation is concerned from the point of view
            4 Aree Nielsen si nota come il principale trainante del   of the 4 Nielsen areas, it can be noted how the main driver
            calo sia Area 1 (-5,4% a valore e -9,8% a confezione),   of the drop is Area 1 (-5.4% by value and -9.8% by unit),
            seguita da Area 2, 3 e 4 (rispettivamente -4,1%, -2,9%   followed by Areas 2, 3 and 4 (respectively -4.1%, -2.9%
            e -2,4% a valore). Situazione analoga a Confezione.  and -2.4% by value). The situation per unit is similar.

             Prezzo Medio / Average Price                  AT 02 JAN 2022  AT 01 JAN 2023  Trend %
             IT Italia  IT Italy                               5,00          5,11          2,2
             DM  DM                                            5,20          5,38          3,6
             IT Italia Iper  IT Italy Hypermarkets             5,75          5,73         -0,3
             IT Italia Supermercati  IT Italy Supermarkets     5,19          5,53          6,5
             IT Italia Liberi Servizi  IT Italy Self Services  3,21          3,38          5,4
             IT Italia Discount  IT Italy Discount Stores      3,36          3,48          3,7
             IT Italia Specialisti Drug  IT Italy Drugstore Specialists  5,07  5,10        0,6

            Andamento dei segmenti                        Trend of the segments
            I Coloranti Permanenti sono il segmento più   Permanent Colourings are the most important
            importante in termini di fatturato, partecipando   segment in terms of turnover, contributing
            all’87% del fatturato, il segmento delle Tinture   87% to sales, the segment of Temporary Colouring
            Temporanee generano l’11% del giro d’affari   generates 11% of the turnover while Tone on
            mentre le tinture Tono su Tono il restante 2%.  Tone colourings account for the remaining 2%.
            Riguardo i Coloranti, generano 160 milioni di €   Concerning the Colourings, they generate euro 160
            a Totale Italia e sono anche il segmento trainante   million for the Total of Italy and are also the driving
            della decrescita del mercato con un calo del -4,3% a   segment of the decline of the market, with drop of -4.3%
            valore e -5,6% a confezione rispetto lo scorso anno.  by value and -5.6% by unit compared to last year.
            Il trend negativo è generato prevalentemente   The negative trend is mainly generated by
            dai canali principali,in primis dai Super     the principal channels, firstly by Supermarkets   NIQ (NielsenIQ) is the leader
            (-6,1% a valore e -7,6% a confezione),        (-6.1% by valueand -7.6% by unit), followed by   in providing the most complete,
            seguiti dagli Iper (-5,1% a valore e -5,8% a confezione)   Hypermarkets (-5.1% by value and -5.8% by unit)   unbiased view of consumer
                                                                                                       behavior, globally.
            e Drugstore (-1,9% a valore e -2,8% a confezione).   and Drugstores (-1.9% by valueand -2.8% by unit).  Powered by a ground-breaking
            Il prezzo medio a confezione del segmento     The average price per unit has stayed        consumer data platform and
            è rimasto praticamente invariato (da 5,12 a 5,19).  practically unchanged (from 5.12 to 5.19).  fueled by rich analytic capabilities,
            Riguardo le Tinture Temporanee invece,        Concerning the Temporary Colouring however,   NIQ enables bold, confident
                                                                                                       decision-making for the world’s
            sono l’unico segmento ad essere rimasto       this is the only segment that has remained prevalently   leading consumer goods
            prevalentemente stabile sia a valore (+0,2%) che   stable, both by value (+0.2%) and unit (-0.1%),   companies and retailers.
                                                                                                       Using comprehensive data sets
            a confezione (-0,1%), con 20 milioni di fatturato.  with a turnover of euro 20 million. The segment remains
                                                                                                       and measuring all transactions
            Il segmento rimane stabile grazie alla crescita ottenuta   stable thanks t the growth obtained in Discount Stores   equally, NIQ gives clients
            nel Discount con un +47,8% a valore e 53,8% a   with +47.8% by value and 53.8% by unit (it is still a   a forward-looking view into
                                                                                                       consumer behavior in order
            confezione (canale che genera ancora però una quota   channel which generates a relatively low quota for the   to optimize performance
            relativamente bassa per la categoria pari al 2%)   category, equal to 2%) succeeding in containing the   across all retail platforms.
            riuscendo a contenere il trend negativo generato   negative trend generated by the Hypermarkets   Our open philosophy
            dagli Iper (-3,0% a valore e -1,4% a confezione).   (-3.0% by value and-1.4% by unit). On the other hand,   on data integration enables
                                                                                                       the most influential consumer
            Stabili invece Super e Drugstores (rispettivamente   the Supermarkets and Drugstores remain stable   data sets on the planet.
            3,5 milioni e 11 milioni di fatturato).       (respectively 3.5 million and 11 million of sales).   NIQ delivers
            In Iper e Discunt si registra un calo del prezzo medio a   In Hypermarkets and Discount stores a drop in   the complete truth.
                                                                                                       NIQ, an Advent International
            confezione (rispettivamente del -1,6% raggiungendo i   the average price by unit is recorded (respectively of   portfolio company, has
            6,98 € a confezione e del -3,9% con 6,04 € a confezione).  -1.6% reaching €6.98 per unit and -3.9% with € 6.04 per   operations in nearly 100 markets,
            Nei Drugstore si registra un aumento del +2,1%   unit). In Drugstores, an increase of +2.1% is recorded,   covering more than 90%
                                                                                                       of the world’s population.
            raggiungendo gli 8,10€ a confezione, stabili   reaching €8.10 per unit, whereas the Supermarkets   For more information, visit
            invece i Super con 7,55 € a confezione.       are stable with €7.55 per unit.    

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